Prices quoted in CANADIAN funds-Applicable taxes extra.
For more info text me, Pete Horley

Because we are on an island reservations need to be made in advance.
You should have the following identification with you when traveling:
Your valid drivers license and a passport for each person.
U.S. customs requires that you have a passport to re-enter the United States. 

Housekeeping Cabin Rental
1-2 people $195/night
Additional Adults $65 each/night
Children up to 10-16 years $45 each /night


Campsite Rental
Campsite $75/Day
Tent rental $25/Night


Boat Rental (comes with life jackets and paddles)
Canoe rental $40/Day
Row Boat rental $40/Day
16 foot lund with 15, 25 or 30 HP Yamaha  Ranging from $60/Day to $90/Day  Extra charge for gas used


Guided Service
Guide service-with 20 foot boat- $650/Day


Boat Docking
Boat dockage--if you have your own boat $20/Day


Fish Cleaning
Fish filleting $4/fish


Boat Travel Service
One free trip to and from resort provided at arrival and departure. Additional trips $50 per trip.

 We do have free wifi if you need it but in this beautiful environment you won't need it.